We are a creative and innovative business law firm that provides committed counselling with a modern business focus. We solve problems but more importantly, we prevent them.
Flexibility, commitment, creativity
Flexibility, commitment, creativity and business focus were once positive additional features in a law firm’s offering but are now fundamental. This puts a higher demand on our personal competence as legal specialists, advisors and business partners – but also on our organisation.
Together, we are a strong team that invests in innovation and creativity, quality over quantity and in specialist expertise combined with a personal commitment. We provide pragmatic and clear advice, enabling actionable decisions. Our ability to deliver this in practice is what distinguishes us from our industry peers.
Our expertise
Here you can read more about our services.
Jobba hos oss
Intresserad av innovation och kreativitet, kvalitet framför kvantitet och en chans att få vara delaktig på riktigt? Då är Walthon Advokater rätt arbetsplats för dig.