Long-lasting relationships always begin with a first meeting
Our focus is on you and your business.
Come and see us!
We see long-lasting client relations as evidence of us being a law firm that makes a difference – but also that we are successful in cultivating long relationships. Our personal commitment is beyond the ordinary. We strive to be our clients most trusted advisor.
Welcome to contact us!

Anna Grahn
Partner / Advokat anna.grahn@walthon.se 072-389 50 70
Clarissa Fröberg
Partner / Advokat clarissa.froberg@walthon.se 073-312 01 80
Jenny Hildén
Partner / Advokat jenny.hilden@walthon.se 070-783 84 30
Jonas Jonsson
Partner / Advokat jonas.jonsson@walthon.se 070-718 78 02
Madeleine Ericson (Kärde)
Partner / Advokat madeleine.ericson@walthon.se 073-322 11 48
Madeleine Sifvert
Partner / Advokat madeleine.sifvert@walthon.se 070-716 67 03
Maria Norrman
Partner / Advokat maria.norrman@walthon.se 070-598 89 32
Michael Cohen
Partner / Advokat michael.cohen@walthon.se 070-972 50 50
Michelle Hessius
Partner / Advokat michelle.hessius@walthon.se 076-623 03 15
Patrik Essehorn
Managing Partner / Advokat patrik.essehorn@walthon.se 070-882 03 75
Mats Willman
Cooperating Attorney mats.willman@walthon.se 070-878 37 83
Sten Sjöstedt
Senior Advisor / Advokat sten.sjostedt@walthon.se 070-871 29 40
Urban Hjelm
Senior Advisor / Advokat urban.hjelm@walthon.se 070-644 45 00
Alva Johansson
Associate alva.johansson@walthon.se 072-723 08 23
Anna Magnusson
Senior Associate / Advokat anna.magnusson@walthon.se 072-231 63 31
Carolina Eriksson
Associate carolina.eriksson@walthon.se 073-500 68 93
Claudia Perra Morin
Associate claudia.perramorrin@walthon.se 073-500 73 33
Eric Svenningson
Senior Associate / Advokat eric.svenningson@walthon.se 070-524 46 10
Erika Krantz (Samuelsson)
Senior Associate / Advokat erika.krantz@walthon.se 076-623 03 43
Hanna Adlén
Senior Associate / Advokat hanna@walthon.se 072-699 69 27
Henrik Sjögren
Senior Associate / Advokat henrik.sjogren@walthon.se 073-926 25 58
Jesper Ågren
Associate jesper.agren@walthon.se 070-083 32 67
Julia Werner
Senior Associate / Advokat julia.werner@walthon.se 076-948 24 37
Klaralee Keilor
Senior Associate / Advokat klaralee.keilor@walthon.se 070-410 80 37
Moa Mattsson
Associate moa.mattsson@walthon.se 073-702 81 87
Otto Andersson
Senior Associate / Advokat otto.andersson@walthon.se 072-853 30 08
Renate Bergström
Associate renate.bergstrom@walthon.se 070-896 95 66
Stefan Berglöf
Senior Associate / Advokat stefan.berglof@walthon.se 070-972 54 90
Aylin Bodur
Head of Office aylin.bodur@walthon.se 070-936 73 05
Eddie Martin
IT Technician eddie.martin@walthon.se 076-623 03 13
Jonna Ekström
Corporate Paralegal jonna.ekstrom@walthon.se 070-872 19 45
Karin Wannmyr Johansson
Legal Assistant karin.johansson@walthon.se 072-699 69 25
Karin Wass
Office- and Marketing Manager karin.wass@walthon.se 070-448 71 67
Linda Adamsson
Financial Manager linda.adamsson@walthon.se 070-811 84 37
Linda Jacobsson
Finance linda.jacobsson@walthon.se 072-699 69 24
Madeleine Lundström
Legal Assistant madeleine.lundstrom@walthon.se 072-699 69 26
Margareta Knaller
Finance margareta.knaller@walthon.se 073-151 99 88
Studentpool student@walthon.se 08-501 397 35Work with us
Does innovation, creativity, quality over quantity and personal commitment excite you? Then Walthon Advokater is the right workplace for you.